AFMBE Book of Archetypes II: Attack of the Archetypes
When Hell is full of dead Archetypes . . . Fresh from the brains of our most rabid AFMBE fans comes more zombie madness. Attack of the Archetypes turns the screw a little tighter and kicks it up a notch. Players can choose from folks like those found in the Book of Archetypes, as well as additional Inspired Archetypes and those designed for use with the AFMBE supplements Enter the Zombie, Pulp Zombies, and Fistful o' Zombies. So what if your current character has given up his brain to feed the masses. Crack open this book and start spreading the love . . . and bullets once more. Attack of the Archetypes, the second Book of Archetypes, is a supplement for the All Flesh Must Be Eaten roleplaying game. In it, you will find:
This supplement contains material written by fans of the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG.
Format: 7.25" x 9.25" Softcover,
black and white interior, 48 pages NOW SHIPPING - ORDER ONLINE NOW or BUY IT NOW AS A PDF |